In eChart, administrators of surgical centers design questionnaire templates containing list of questions which the clinicians use to ask the patients to gather their health/medical information. The admin portal in eChart has separate sections to design questions and questionnaires.
Initial Design Problem
When designing a new questionnaire or editing an existing one, if users wants to add or edit a question, they have to leave the questionnaire section, go to the questions section to complete the task and return back to the questionnaire section to add the created/edited question.
My Role
End-to-end designer responsible for scoping, gathering design requirements and coordinating with stakeholders at every stage and iteration.
Preliminary Research
The first step involved evaluating the whole workflow and breaking down the design problem into smaller pieces based on the primary requirements from PM. In addition, I conducted my own heuristic evaluation of the screens to identify usability issues.
Primary design requirements:
When editing an existing questionnaire:
Be able to edit and add new questions.
Be able to add multiple questions at once.
Adding new questionnaire:
Be able to add new questions.
Provide clarity and orient the user to understand that they are searching for and looking at predefined questions.
Duration: Sept 2017 - Dec 2017

Initial Sketches for Ideation
These were the first set of wireframes based on the inititial design requirements presented to the stakeholders for feedback.
Feedback from PM and Engineers:
Add Question Overlay
Ability to add multiple questions at a time.
Edit/Add a Question
Question field should just be text editor – users do not use or understand the plain text option.
Enhance the category drop-down functionality
Ability to flag a question, so that it appears in a separate “flag” bloc
Editing a response type: Be able to change the response type. Currently, the user is not able to.
A questionnaire or question at any level can be tagged. A Tag represents an attempt to classify a question in terms of who might be interested in the content.
User Testing Feedback:
Delete functionality: Show confirmation message prior to deleting a questionnaire/question.
Side by side view of existing questionnaire and questions significantly reduced the task time and number of clicks.
Duration: Sept 2017 - Dec 2017
Duration: Sept 2017 - Dec 2017
Based on the findings from the Affinity Diagramming Exercise, the users' needs and pain-points were clear and we were able to create 4 different user personas who will be the primary users of our web-tool.

User Journey Mapping
To define our key features for the web-tool, we needed to first create a user journey map for the end to end technology commercialization process, and based on the issues identified at the different stages of the user journey, we come up with features that would address those issues. Following is the customer journey map across the different stages of the technology development process.
Duration: Sept 2017 - Dec 2017
Brainstorming and Design Synthesis
Based on our research, we brainstormed several ideas and further proposed our design to function like a website and encompassing: 1) an interactive tool for more personalized recommendations including an interactive map to locate technology clusters, and 2) More generalized information for less tech-savvy users.

Federal Researchers
Univ. Profs.
Post-Docs, Researchers
Industry Professionals
Industry Professionals
Thought Leaders
Policy makers, leaders etc.

Simple clear design that resonates with majority of the users' familiarity

More generalized information for influencers

Interactive tool for guided personalized recommendations

Interactive map to locate tech. clusters to collaborate based on preferences
Guided user journey flow
Architecture Mapping
Based on the customer journeys and findings before, a site architecture map was created to help inform the design of wireframes

The next step was creation of wireframes based on the ideas extracted from the User Journey Map. There were further shared with our external web consultants - Palantir
Below are a few initial wireframes.
Duration: Sept 2017 - Dec 2017

Low-fi prototype
A low-fi prototype is currently in progress to be submitted to Palantir to communicate a better understanding of the design ans flow
Iteration 1
Based on the user testing session, I received the following feedback, and made the respective iterations:
Feedback: 'Pathways to Innovation' and 'Cross-sector collaboration' are meant to be used by Researchers/Inventors and Industry Leader specifically, hence the flows need to be tailored accordingly
Revision: An interactive tool which specifically caters to comprises of cross-sector collaboration and pathways to innovation
Feedback: The user flow is currently more 'exploratory' and needs to be more 'directional'
Revision: 1) More simplified and streamlined user journey.
2) A landing homepage which directs to the user to the specific part of the tool based on their role.
Feedback: 'Thought Leaders' are mostly concerned with general information related to their sector.
Revision: Thought leaders would be led to a separate section which covers general information about the sector and best practices.
Feedback: Maps should be accessible by all as a reference
Revision: A separate tool called 'Resource Maps' accessible from the home page and independent of the interactive tool.

Final Iteration
Based on the final usability assessment, I received the following feedback, and made the respective iterations:
Feedback: "No way to know what my responses are, and if I need to revise them"
Revision: Appropriate feedback and ability to revise responses.
Feedback: Support required when entering responses.
Revision: A collaborative learning center feature.
Hi-fi Prototype
The above design was handed over to EGI after approval and will be in development on securing additional funding from NIST.